How to introduce a baby comforter

A baby comforter or as we call them, a Cuddle Blankie, is a small soft object that provides baby with a sense of safety and security when parents aren’t nearby.
One of a baby comforter’s main uses is as a positive sleep association that baby can use to fall back asleep when they wake throughout the night. It’s a portable friend who becomes a sign that it’s time for sleep – even on the go!
Baby comforters also help soothe baby when they are stressed or experiencing change, such as immunisations, hospital visits, staying at the grandparents or starting daycare.
If you’re wondering how a baby comforter works, read our article here.
"My boy LOVES his Billie comforter! He is always super excited to see him after he's had a wash, so much so we have bought a second Billie so he's never without him. Billie is his go to for comfort and he keeps his dummy safe and easy to locate (I love Billie for that!) I highly recommend! A Kippin comforter is my go to present for any new Bub!"
- Jessica O.
So you’ve found the perfect baby comforter (wait, is it a Kippin?). So how do you get babe to fall in love with their new special friend? Read our tips for creating a lasting friendship below!
- Pop your Kippin down your top
Yep, you read that right. Our natural organic cotton fibres will soak up your smell and remind babe that you are always nearby! Pop your Kippin down your top and walk around for a few hours, even sleep with it overnight! Give it to babe and watch them snuggle in!
- Introduce early (and a note on when it’s safe to leave a comforter in the cot)
Don’t wait until a major change is about to happen to try and introduce a baby comforter. Your baby probably won’t ‘notice’ their comforter until they are at least 5 months of age. But it’s never too early to start using your Kippin as part of your nap-time routine (being made from pure, organic cotton, they also make the perfect newborn gift). Red Nose recommends not leaving your comforter in the cot until baby is at least 7 months of age. Most sleep consultants recommend keeping them out of the cot unattended until 6 months of age. Before this time, you can snuggle with your Kippin you and babe when you’re feeding or reading before bed. The ideal age to introduce a comforter is before ten months of age. After this time, you will find baby has likely chosen their own way of self soothing (usually something you can’t control or replace!). There is another period of separation anxiety around 18 months of age – often children choose a new or additional comfort object at this time.
- Introduce often
Make sure that your baby comforter is there for every sleep, even if your baby doesn’t seem to be fussed. Keep giving it to your baby at sleep time, over and over again. One day, you will find that they can’t sleep without it! Place the Kippin in your baby’s arms or near their shoulder so that they can rub their mouth or face near the material.
I've recently introduced my littlest to her Coco Kippin, and she is loves it already, as soon as she sees it she's grabbing for it. It's a great sleep association and comforter, the perfect size and the knotted hands are great for chewing or sucking. We have a spare in the cupboard for rotation or in case of emergencies!" - Becca C.
- Talk about it
We gave our Kippins special personalities and a magical KippinTale so that it would make it easy to include them as part of your bedtime chats. Even very young babies benefit from the soothing sounds of your voice reading a story, and you will be surprised how they take in sounds that are repeated over and over again. Here’s an example of how you can talk about your Kippin:
“It’s time for nigh-nigh’s now, Dashie is ready for a sleep”
“Coco wants to dance in your dreams now, time for bed”
“Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, can you hear Billie’s drum? He’s calling the rain drops and the dream clouds to send you off to sleep!”
As your child gets older, they will love seeing their best friend in the pages of our book!
Some tips!
- Buy at least two!
It’s really important that you buy at least two of the same comforter and rotate them from day one. Not only does this make sure they wear in the same way, it also ensures that your baby is attached to at least two of them. It means if one gets lost it’s not going to disrupt the entire household for days on end!
My son loves his Banjo Kippin. Banjo comes everywhere with us, he is one very loved Kippin, that’s for sure. I have since purchased many Kippins! Everyone I know that has a baby receives a Kippin! We think everyone should have a Kippin!"
- Shennen L.
- Choose the right one
Make sure the baby comforter you use is safe and simple. We wrote an article on what makes a good baby comforter here, and why for younger babies you shouldn’t use a soft toy or anything fuzzy, plush and polyester that will cause them to overheat.
- Choose something you like
A baby comforter will stick around for a looooong time – we’re talking five years people! So make sure it’s something the whole family can love.
- Get used to the love
It is absolutely normal for your child to give their baby comforter a good workout. Chewing ears and legs and hours and hours of snuggling with wear their Kippin in just the way they like it. Those ears and legs and other bits and pieces that get the most attention will be part of the way your child soothes. Unlike polyester comforters which are bulletproof (because they are made from plastic), our natural organic cotton fibres will soften and age beautifully as your baby’s friendship continues.
Shop our range of Kippins organic cotton baby comforters here!