You FAQ's, Answered!

There's a few questions that we get asked THE MOST, we've answered them here to stop the guesswork!
Q: My babe has lost their Kippin, won't sleep and I can't find it on your website, help!
A. We love you and we're sorry you're going through this! Also - Buy. A. Spare. This is our most received email! Our Kippins styles are updated once every 3-4 years (that's not very often), and when we do retire styles, we give months' worth of notice - we know the panic of losing babe's best friend. Don't risk not having at least one spare! Remember, kids attach to objects, not 'designs', so it's very hard to get them to attach to something new, even if it's identical. We highly suggest buying all of your spares at once and rotating them so that babe becomes equally attached to each.
Q. Should I wash my Kippin before giving it to my baby?
A. It's not essential, but it's recommended. Our Kippins undergo a Biowash before we pack and send them off - that's a super special, eco-friendly wash to make sure they're nice and soft and ready for snuggles. So while they're 'good to go' straight out of the pack, we do recommend giving them a wash (use a laundry bag), drying them (either on the line or the drier) and then popping them down your top and wearing them around for a few hours before giving them to babe. Why? Our natural cotton will absorb your scent (fun fact - plastic faux fur comforters can't do this trick!). A Kippin that smells like you is babe's ultimate dream when they're getting to know their new special friend, and it will help with the bonding process.
Q. Why are they called Kippins?
A: Down Under, where the Kippins are dreamt up, we call a sleep a 'Kip'.
Q. Should I buy all of the same design or different designs?
A: This depends on your babe and also what you want to use each of the Kippins for. We find that kids generally have a 'main' squeeze that they will use to help them sleep and who is their go-to for comfort. But lots of kids who love Kippins tend to be fairly flexible between designs for casual soothing and daytime hanging out - like riding in the pram, playing on the mat or being a dummy holder. We would recommend having spares of the one design which will be the main Kippin your babe uses, and then buying other styles if you fall in love!
Have a question you need answered? Hit up the team anytime on socials or via our store chat.